So many people asked me if I was willing to do one-on-one coaching. 

For the longest time, I turned them all down, because I was busy creating workshops and group experiences, and frankly, I had protégés that kept me busy.

But recently, I've realized that I absolutely LOVE working with people and seeing change, so I've opened up a few slots in my schedule specifically for people who are ready to commit to building a better life for themselves. 

So I've started a relationship coaching branch of my business, based on all of the free work I've done over the years. 

I'm also willing to offer general guidance and suggestions on reading material for free.

I'm not trying to push for paid. I'm offering it since people have been asking, and I know that the targeting/more personalized experiences with me can be incredibly helpful. *smiles*

People ask me, "Are you a therapist?"

No. I’m not a therapist. 

I don't have a 4-year degree in psychology (or any degree, actually).

I'm just a woman who knew that something wasn't going right in my relationships, and found way to fix it—all of it. 

You read that right. 

Better boundaries are something I discovered for myself (didn't even have a name for them) after a marriage of craptaculous boundaries where I paid the price in emotional abuse, shitty self-confidence, and all my money.

I had to. 

  • I was living to please others because I thought that was love. 
  • I was putting up with hurtful comments because they were from people who loved me. 
  • I was giving too much—more than I had. 
  • I was saying "yes," because I had a hard time saying "no." 
  • I was putting others' needs and wants above my own, sacrificing to make things work. 
To make them love me. 

And it didn't work. Not in the way I was told it would. 

And not in the way I wanted.

These days, I have the best partner I could have ever imagined (better, even!), and I not only have solid boundaries myself, but I encourage them in the people I engage with in my life (my partners, my friends, and my colleagues). After all, I believe that boundaries are THE MOST IMPORTANT relationship skill. 

Now's my chance to share with you what I've learned through these years.

Most people don't need therapy to do this. They just need the tools and a step-by-step plan!

I'll build that step-by-step plan with you and for YOU, based on your life and relationship goals.